Friday, May 13, 2016

Powers of Imagination

Powers of Imagination

Generating False Memories

"imagination can induce false autobiographical memories."


Imagination can create false autobiographical memories

Maximizing Human Potential

If people "paint imaginary pictures of themselves achieving desired goals, these people will 
formulate a deep identity with their images. The most intense identification with these 
images is formed with the mind and the body creating a psycho/physio-interaction. "


Creative Visualization Maximizing Human Potential 

Increasing Mystical Experiences

"prayer which uses the imagination...cultivates the inner senses, and that this cultivation has consequences [These Consequences Include] Mental imagery grows sharper. Inner experience seems more significant to the person praying. Feelings and sensations grow more intense. The person praying reports more unusual sensory experience and more unusual and more intense spiritual experience."


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