Friday, May 13, 2016

Brainstorming 2


Quickly entering and exiting the Alpha State is easy.

One only must close their eyes and relax their body, to enter the Alpha State.

Exiting the Alpha state is as easy as opening one's eyes, or becoming anxious.

Those practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) were in a range that went from Theta to light Alpha range.

Meaning that they were below 13hz band, which should be achievable simply by entering Alpha state.

TM practitioners have demonstrated their ability to utilize Field Consciousness, which links all individuals, to cause coherence changes in non-practitioners.

TM practitioners enter a calm, relaxed, state before mentally repeating a mantra.

The mantra they repeat then naturally, as they repeat it, begins to loose focus, and the practitioner begins to freely think without trying to control or restrain their thoughts, they then if they happen to regain focus repeat the mantra, until they once again fade into their own thoughts.

Thank you to Tencia Revona, for revealing the technique in her book.

Thanks to her, I now understand how the technique works.

My goal is to generate a simpler technique, that still interfaces with Field Consciousness, one that can be accomplished at any time.

I want practitioners of my meditation style to be able to spread their intention throughout field consciousness, easily, in mere moments, rather than minutes.

The current technique is simple:

Hold your intention of how you want to influence those around you in the Field Consciousness.

Close your eyes and relax.

Release your intention.

Continue with your eyes closed and relaxed.

Open your eyes.

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