Saturday, May 14, 2016

Field Consciousness

New Technique

  1. Use creative visualization, to visualize yourself accomplishing your goal for Field Consciousness. Whether that be lowering the urban crime rate, or helping to relax someone.
  2. Next take a moment to let your thoughts wander and daydream, this allows you to enter the Theta state, similar to that of individuals completing mantra meditation.
  3. The creative visualization helps place information in your subconscious mind, so when you enter the Theta state, your subconscious mind should be able to interface with Field Consciousness to help achieve your intent.
  4. Once you are done daydreaming, your subconscious mind has already had access to Field Consciousness.

New Research

Daydreaming allows for one to enter the Theta State


What is the function of the various brainwaves?

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