Our Bio-fields Laboratory at the Rhine Research Center detects electromagnetic radiation from humans during times of focused intent (usually healing meditations). Everyone emits infrared electromagnetic radiation that is just beyond the visible range, and we sense this radiation as heat or warmth. We also emit invisible ultraviolet radiation. We hope to discover how ultraviolet photon emissions are generated by human subjects and how it is being used by our sensory system, or by our minds, to influence healing to interact with materials.
Participants are placed in a dark room with an infrared detector that is more sensitive than the human sensory system and a photomultiplier detector designed to detect UV radiation that is invisible to the human eye. The photomultiplier detector exceeds the sensitivity of the human eye by detecting wavelengths from approximately 450 nanometers to 250 nanometers. (Visible spectrum = 700 to 400 nanometers). This detector is used to measure electromagnetic radiation from humans at the higherfrequency (shorter wavelength) ultraviolet end of the visible spectrum.
Results: Using the infrared detectors, we have noted that most healers become much redder on the forehead and palms as the healing meditation progresses. Over a multi-year period we have measured radiation from approximately 100 different subjects in the darkroom using the photomultiplier detector which measures the number of photons per second that are emitted. With the darkroom is empty, the photomultiplier detector reads a baseline count of approximately 5 photons per second. The count rises to approximately 8 or 10 photons per second with human control subjects in the darkroom. In a recent series of tests with groups of three subjects in the darkroom doing healing meditations, the photon count typically rose to approximately 40 to 60 photons per second. When the subjects were instructed to stop meditating, the count consistently dropped back to the baseline of approximately 8 to 10 photons per second. Three individual subjects on multiple occasions have emitted 400,000 to 800,000 photons per second over a time span of several seconds.
Conclusions: Since photons are energy, and since healers and meditators are emitting measureable increases in photons, these individuals are emitting invisible energy. This energy may be associated with healing or with other events generated through meditation.
The concept of Qi energy has been an integral component of Eastern philosophy and medicine for thousands of years. While there is no precise Western definition of Qi energy, it is often referred to as bioelectricity. It has been well established in the West that the electrical activity in the human body produces magnetic fields, which are sometimes referred to as Bioelectromagnetic (BioEM) energy. Technological advances over the past several decades have made it possible to measure these subtle yet important electromagnetic energy fields within and around the human body. Increasing evidence suggests that the Eastern concept of Qi and the Western concept of BioEM energy may be one and the same. An exploratory experiment was designed and carried out with the intention of providing further evidence of this connection. Three adult males with reported extraordinary Qi energy manipulation abilities projected Qi energy towards copper coils that were designed to measure subtle alterations in the immediate electromagnetic environment. The results indicate that power increased or decreased significantly in the test phase at several frequencies when compared to the control phases. The analysis also indicated that the change in power for these specific frequencies was directional. That is, these changes in power were mostly detected in one versus all three coils simultaneously. These results suggest that it is possible for human beings to alter the electromagnetic environment around their hands at will. Specifically, the power seen at certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can be lowered or raised when a Qi Master "emits" Qi energy versus simply holding his hand over a detection device during a control phase.Additional Quotes
the power seen at certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can be lowered or raised when a Qi Master "emits" what he believes to be Qi energy versus simply holding his hand over a detection device during a control phase. This suggests a link between willful Qi energy production and manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum.
It also appears that the directional influence of this change in power can be manipulated, as power changes were observed in only one of the three spatial dimensions at a time.
Interestingly, we did not observe a spike in a particular frequency, such as one would see if measuring output from machinery (such as the high energy radiation from an X-ray machine, for example). Rather, a subtle pattern change occurred across an array of frequencies.
Brain waves are not constant in frequency, but vary from moment to moment. The brain's pacemaker determines the frequency of the brain waves at any given time, which is anatomically located in the thalamus. 14 As a result of physiological constraints with the movement of calcium ions across the membrane of a neuron, these pace-making thalamocortical neurons experience a silent phase every 1.5 to 28 seconds. During these thalamocortical silent phases, which can last from 5 to seconds, the brainwaves are said to be in a run period, and are susceptible to entrainment with outside fields. It is during these free run periods that the Schumann Resonance may entrain human brainwaves. With the onset of night, the ionosphere moves higher, and frequency of the Schumann Resonance falls to the low range of the spectrum (1 to 7 Hz). These frequencies entrain through the pineal gland and overall brainwave activity during the free run period, resetting brainwave activity to between 1 and 7 Hz, which corresponds to the delta and theta stages of brainwave activity. These stages are associated with light and deep sleep and other stages of altered consciousness in humans. In this way, human behavior may be influenced by entrainment or absorption of electromagnetic fields from the environment.
The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A Challenge to Traditional Scientific Thinking
The breathing method, which was developed and is being taught by Kozo Nishino, a Japanese Ki-expert, is for raising the levels of Ki-energy (life-energy or the vitality) of an individual. It is neither a therapy nor a healing technique. However, many of his students have experienced an improvement in their health, and in some cases, they were able to overcome health problems by themselves. Since this is an interesting subject from the standpoint of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), we have been collaborating with Nishino to conduct a scientific investigation of his Ki-energy. We found that Nishino's Ki-energy can inhibit cell division of cancer cells, protect isolated mitochondria from heat deterioration and reduce lipid peroxidation in heat-treated mitochondria. Although Ki-energy may consist of several different energy forms, we found that at least one of them is near-infrared radiation between the wavelength range of 0.8 and 2.7 µm. Another interesting observation at his school is the Taiki-practice (paired Ki-practice). During this practice, Nishino can ‘move’ his students without any physical contact. Many of them run, jump or roll on the floor when they receive his Ki-energy. We studied this and propose that ‘information’ is conveyed through the air between two individuals by Ki-energy. This may be called a five sense-independent, life-to-life communication by Ki. All of our results suggest that we should re-evaluate the Cartesian dualism (separation of mind and body) which has been a fundamental principle of modern science for the past three centuries.
Additional Quotes
Not only Nishino, the founder of the method, but
also instructors and his students can emit Ki from
their bodies dependent on their training and ability.
Ki may consist of several different components, but
at least it contains near-infrared radiation between
0.8 and 2.7 mm.
Ki, which causes biochemical reactions, can pass
through a near-infrared range filter (0.8–2.7 mm),
but is blocked by materials, such as black acrylic,
aluminum foil and a visible range filter (360–760 nm).
Ki, which causes Taiki-reactions, can pass through
the same near-infrared range filter (0.8–2.7 mm), but
is also blocked by black acrylic, aluminum foil and
the same visible range filter (360–760 nm).
During the Taiki-practice, Ki seems to carry information
which makes five sense-independent communication
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