Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cool Research

Cool Research

  1. Storing of Qi Gong energy in various materials and drugs (Qi Gongnization): its clinical application for treatment of pain, circulatory disturbance, bacterial or viral infections, heavy metal deposits, and related intractable medical problems by selectively enhancing circulation and drug uptake
  2. Detection of extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission
  3. Manipulation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum via Fields Projected from Human Hands: A Qi Energy Connection?
  4.  Chi energy amplifier
  5. Non-contact electronic tool for Qi emission and amplification
  6. Method of energizing and using an object for stimulating biological processes
  7. ANOMALOUS ELECTROSTATIC PHENOMENA IN EXCEPTIONAL SUBJECTS http://journals.sfu.ca/seemj/index.php/seemj/article/view/284/247
  8. Electromagnetic emission from humans during focused intent

  9. Structure and property changes in certain materials influenced by the external qi of qigong

  10. The use of DC electrodermal potential measurements and healer's felt sense to assess the energetic nature of qi

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