Friday, June 3, 2016

Syllogistic Argument That Qi Emission From Human Hands is the Key to Harnessing Energy From The Environment/Universe

Syllogistic Argument That Qi Emission From Human Hands is the Key to Harnessing Energy From The Environment/Universe
  1. If an extraordinary increase in bio-magnetic field strength from human hands during external Qi emission, can not derive from internal body current alone, as stated in Detection of extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission.
  2. If a human has the ability to harness energy from the environment/universe, as stated in An evaluation of biofield treatment on thermal, physical and structural properties of cadmium powder.
  3. If an extraordinary increase in bio-magnetic field strength from human hands during external Qi emission, could derive from internal body current accompanied by energy harnessed from the environment/universe.
  4. If humans not emitting external Qi, do not have an extraordinary increase in bio-magnetic field strength from human hands as internal body current alone cannot derive an extraordinary increase in bio-magnetic field strength from human hands.
  5. If external Qi emission from human hands, is the deciding factor of whether or not an extraordinary increase in bio-magnetic field strength from human hands.
  6. Then external Qi emission from human hands, is the key to harnessing energy from the environment/universe to increase the bio-magnetic field strength from human hands during external Qi emission.
Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Sources
  1. Seto, Akira, et al. "Detection of extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission." Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research 17.2 (1992): 75-94.
  2. Trivedi, Mahendra Kumar. "An evaluation of biofield treatment on thermal, physical and structural properties of cadmium powder." Thermodynamics & Catalysis 6.2 (2015).

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